1. Playing LOL in the dorm room. Feeling
somebody’s presence behind the seat. Turning back and seeing the smiling face
of Kim Dae-Gi.
2. The printer says: “not enough ink”......"Oh no! I've spent all night and even skipped morning exercise for Ms. Choi's homework!!!!!"
3. Sandra was chit-chatting loudly
in Korean with her friends on the way back to dormitory from Dasan Building. Suddenly,
she saw one boy smiling and texting something in his phone. A day later, Sandra
found her name posted on the court list.
4. I decided to take a 10 minute
short nap in the bed before having lunch, but woke up after 25
minutes. I ran to the cafeteria to get some pork slices, but they ran out
just before me.
5. “OMG I never closed
my eyes!” said Peter when the ball rang after the class ended
6. Left my dorm room at 8:01 but soon found out that I
left my AP Calculus BC take-home assignment at the room
7. Me and my roommate brought some
chickens to dorm room and was eating them delightfully. Soon we heard Kim
Dae-Gi’s voice resounding in the corridor and recalled that we have not closed
our door.
8. My final grade on AP US History: 89.43
9. Seeing Danny, my best friend,
sleeping in the cafeteria, I slapped his head to wake him up. But he was not
Danny; he was a senior student.
10. “Wake me up at 7:45”. “Wake me up at 7: 50”. “Wake
me up at 7:53”…”Wake me after 3 minutes”…… Then the roommate shouts “Hey! It is
already 7:57! I’m going out!”
Flash fiction is "loosely" defined as a very very short story or even called "micro fiction." I think you version is closer to micro fiction because your stories are a bit longer and don't call upon the reader to do much guessing. In that sense, I think you could delete at least one sentence or detail from each to create subtext. Some could be longer - as in number 8. We have the crisis - but what about the implied afermath?
답글삭제How about:
Peter's final grade on AP Physics: 89.43. The report card fluttered towards the ground at a slower velocity.